ThinkFast Interactive performs hundreds of awareness events each year to elementary, middle and high school campuses across the United States. ThinkFast Interactive caters to students of all ages and interests by combining state of the art technology, entertainment, and age-relevant awareness information. Built around team effort, ThinkFast Interactive is the event solution to yield stronger, longer- lasting effects on driving safety issues, alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse than any other individual program alone. ThinkFast Interactive exposes participants to a safe, exhilarating, and natural way to have fun. It provides a cool environment to dance, have fun and learn without the use of alcohol or other substances.
Tennessee High School
Our school was very fortunate to have the ThinkFast Interactive program at our high school yesterday. We also had this program last year. The format with which the message is presented is one that our students really enjoy. For the last two years our Driver Education students have participated in this program and I feel they have gained tremendously. Please pass on our thanks to everyone associated with this production. We look forward to getting this program on a yearly basis. Thank you for helping our students!