Peer Reviews

Federal, State & Local Government

ThinkFast Interactive is an innovative and effective program that is used by many government agencies to reach target audiences and present important information in a fun, and entertaining manner. Governor’s Highway Safety Offices in a growing number of states contract ThinkFast Interactive to educate high school and college students about Alcohol and Traffic Safety for their respective awareness campaigns. In recent years, government agencies have also utilized third-party professional consultants to develop and implement Pre and Post test surveys in an effort to measure the effectiveness of the program in selected high schools. In every study, the data has revealed that ThinkFast Interactive has indeed increased the level of knowledge of its participants. Contact your ThinkFast Interactive representative if you would like to have a copy of the results from one of the states that has been evaluated.

With support from federal grants that aim to combat underage drinking and drug abuse, a growing number of high schools and colleges are independently programming multiple ThinkFast Interactive events each semester in an effort to continuously and consistently spread the messages of prevention and awareness.


Tennessee Governor’s Highway Safety Office

I just wanted to thank you and the entire staff for the great work you did on the ThinkFast Interactive events at high schools, colleges and Universities across the state of Tennessee. I had been looking for new and innovative ways to expand the exposure of our “Booze It and Lose It” message to teens and young adults. I was having little luck until I was told about your event by the Dean of Student Affairs at Rhodes College. I thought that the concept was wonderful and that this was the perfect avenue to spread the message in addition to offering students a fun filled event. The response from each of the schools has been overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to working with you in the future and making an even bigger affect on youth within the state of Tennessee.

West Virginia Office of Highway Safety

It was a great presentation, in both cases. Your host was really good. It for sure is entertaining and delivers the important, and valuble message. It was very professionally done. It is worthwhile, informative, and beneficial to educating the students on highway safety related issues that might not otherwise be conveyed to them in any other setting.