Tobacco companies and e-cigarette companies are targeting youth as evidenced by the new 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) data, on e-cigarette use—or “vaping”—among middle and high school students, which showed an alarming increase between 2017 and 2018, with over 3.6 million kids currently using e-cigarettes in 2018. This is an epidemic of epic proportions and ThinkFast Interactive is excited to be on the ground level of education efforts to curb and eliminate e-cigarette use and initiation by simply educating and raising awareness on everything from the harmful chemicals, including nicotine, found in e-cigarettes to how e-cigarette companies and Big Tobacco sneakily target youth in their ad campaigns, promoting “fun” flavors and operating under the myth that these products are “safer” than tobacco products . Our goal is to educate, raise awareness and change the trajectory to prevent ENDS device initiation and ultimately, tobacco use altogether.